A person staring confused at a wall with question marks.
Property Casualty

Why Do We Gather So Much Information to Determine Your Insurance?

Sean O’Hare
Sean O’Hare
Vice President, Enterprise CORE, Property Casualty

By now, your tax documents have already been submitted. You can take a breather. Whew. I know I have. Maybe you’re getting a return, and if you are and you’re like me, you’ve already spent the money on front row seats to see Paul Simon. Okay, so maybe the last part is just me.

I’m not exactly sure why I get a return every year, but I know it has something to do with the amount of information I provide my tax professional. The process usually begins at the end of February with a 2-hour long meeting (talk about pure excitement…or not) of which I leave with a laundry list of items to gather.

I spend the next month trying to track down every document, form, receipt, record, and expense I was instructed to collect. My first thought is always, “How am I supposed to keep track of all this stuff throughout the year?” And my second thought is always, “Sean, keep track of all this stuff throughout the year!”

Nevertheless, without fail, I’m always delighted when I receive a return. I quickly forget about the barrage of questions I endured and the amount of time it took to gather all the information. I can then focus my attention to spending the return on some frivolous item, a weekend adventure, or a concert I’ve always wanted to see — and, of course, I save a little bit for a rainy day.

At Holmes Murphy, we also ask lots of questions and gather lots of information. Like, how can we best serve you if we don’t know what makes you tick? How can we provide comprehensive insurance and health and wellness programs if we don’t take the time to fully understand your company culture? The answer is simple — we can’t.

We ask questions and gather information so we can provide unbeatable service, innovative products, and comprehensive coverage, all the while securing the lowest pricing available in the marketplace. We tailor it specifically for YOU!

If your current insurance broker isn’t asking lots of questions and gathering lots of information, maybe it’s time for you to ask one important question — is this the right insurance broker for my business? You know that sigh of relief I referred to at the beginning of this blog? That’s exactly how you should feel after talking with your insurance broker. You need peace of mind! If you aren’t getting that…reach out to us. We’re here to answer any questions you may have!


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