If you’ve seen photos of the Midwest, you know many places are knee-deep in water (if not more). When snow melts and rain comes falling down, trouble is often right around the corner. And, if you think you’re immune because you’re not in a “flood zone,” think again.
Hydrostatic water pressure can be a huge problem for all homeowners, especially in the spring. This occurs when it rains or when snow melts, and it results in the pooling of water around the foundation walls and soil of your home. This type of water pressure can cause the soil around your home to expand or contract, creating large amounts of pressure on your foundation walls. This can eventually lead to cracks, holes, and eventually water damage in your basement.
So, what can you do to prevent issues?
- Check your gutters and downspouts for any debris or damage. Make sure your downspouts are at least 6 feet from the base of your home.
- Inspect the interior and exterior of your basement walls and floors. Fill cracks that have started on the interior and exterior of the foundation. If there are major cracks or holes, contact a professional contractor immediately.
- Check your landscaping and irrigation systems. Ensure sure water is flowing away from the foundation of your home. If water is pooling near your home, contact a landscaper or excavation contractor to learn of ways to direct water away from your foundation.
- Clean and maintain your sump pumps. Test them periodically to make sure they are working properly.
One last thing to remember…not all insurance policies cover hydrostatic water pressure claims. Before you find yourself in a pool of water, reach out to your insurance agent to ensure you have proper coverage in place!