
There are two primary types of reusable video blocks on the site.

Video Tabs

The video tabs block allows you to showcase multiple videos in a single block. It offers a heading, CTA, and flexible video tabs that can showcase up to 5 videos. Each video tab has a section to enter a title for the video, as well as thumbnail override, and 2 Vimeo ID fields. This block can also be used to showcase a single video. If only a single video is provided the headline will center align with the video iframe.

To showcase a public (listed) video simply add the base ID from the link.

To showcase a private (unlisted) video you can provide both the base ID and the secondary “privacy” ID.

Color theming for the video tabs block will take affect on any span tags inside the headline, as well as the video tabs hover state, and the play icon on thumbnail overrides. There is also an additional field for two block themes. These operate independently from the block color themer.

Recommended sizing for thumbnail override images doesn’t matter so much as it does making sure the images are 16:9 aspect ratio.

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Caring for your unique potential is our soul purpose

Vimeo Video

The Vimeo video block allows you to showcase a single block front and center. It offers a heading to enter a title for the video, as well as thumbnail override, and 2 Vimeo ID fields.

To showcase a public (listed) video simply add the base ID from the link.

To showcase a private (unlisted) video you can provide both the base ID and the secondary “privacy” ID.

Color theming for the video block will take affect on the play icon for thumbnail overrides. There is also an additional field for two block themes. These operate independently from the block color themer.

Recommended sizing for thumbnail override images doesn’t matter so much as it does making sure the images are 16:9 aspect ratio.

Jay Reavis on Property Casualty at Holmes Murphy