What is the deadliest animal in the world? It isn’t sharks, lions, tigers, or bears. It’s the tiny blood-sucking mosquito. Can you believe that? It’s true. Now, you may be saying, “Den, what does this have to do with healthcare?” Simple. Healthcare is our economy’s mosquito, or rather “costquito.” It’s sucking an excess amount of blood, or money, from our economy.
The United States has the highest cost healthcare system among all economically developed nations according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development (OECD). We spend 156 percent more per person than the OECD average. This is a very real issue. I had a chance to explain it recently. Take a look.
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Don’t forget to tune in next week, where I’ll take a deeper dive into this very issue. And, if you haven’t already, I encourage you to sign up for the “Insiders’ Club” where you’ll be notified when I release new information AND receive a FREE copy of my book “The Voter’s Guide to Healthcare: A non-partisan, candid, and relevant look at politics and healthcare in America” when it’s available.