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Corporate Culture

Insurance + Technology = Insurtech

Susan Hatten
Susan Hatten
Chief Marketing Officer

Earlier this month, I had the pleasure of attending InsureTech Connect (ITC) 2021 with several Holmes Murphy leaders, where more than 6,000 insurance veterans, enthusiasts, and investors descended upon Las Vegas to connect and collaborate in discussions and an experience to elevate our industry. Perhaps you were there. If you were, I’m sure you can attest to the awesome atmosphere and discussion!

Our Holmes Murphy and BrokerTech Ventures (BTV) teams had the great opportunity to slide into a front row seat for the week, as we were tapped to lead out BrokerTech Connect — a portion of the conference specifically targeting the broker and agent segment of the insurance industry. We led a standing-room-only event for BrokerTech Connect and brought together our BTV broker and insurance company partners in support.

After nearly two years of the pandemic, there were some of our partners we hadn’t even met yet…including our BTV friends and partners from Israel and Latin America. It was truly an experience for Holmes Murphy and BTV that will not be forgotten.

What has been becoming abundantly clear — and even more so after attending ITC — is that insurtech isn’t a new term. It’s been around for a few years, and in fact, it may even be trending toward outdated. Technology is here to stay, and we have an opportunity to not only embrace but to lead out the change through transformative technology for our industry.

Holmes Murphy’s elevation of innovation and intentional activation of an “intrapreneurial” mindset is precisely what sets us apart from others in our industry. We lead with care, compassion, and a spirit to allow you (our clients) to achieve their full potential. As a co-founder and leader of BTV, we are pursuing insurtech innovation to help you identify your risks sooner and drive down your costs faster. We have bold conviction around Holmes Murphy’s opportunity to pave the way for the future of the insurance industry, and BTV is just one of the catalysts to do so.

As we’ve shared in our recent media announcements, Holmes Murphy and BTV are changing the industry — and we’re in it for the long game. We hope you’ve noticed this!

We’d also love to hear from you about what you’re seeing and what kind of innovation you think would be beneficial. Feel free to reach out and let us know. After all, we’re better together!

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