I hope you’ve had your coffee for the day, as I’m about to throw a couple of eye-opening statistics at you:

This is startling, right? It’s enough to keep you up at night. And while it would seem easy to blame a “disgruntled (former) employee” for the mass majority of workplace homicides, as mentioned above, more than 60 percent of the time that’s simply not the case. While there are a lot of unhappy employees in the world, most won’t shoot or cause injury to a co-worker. Workplace violence occurs because something else is going on in the assailant’s life.

There’s no bullet-proof solution in place to prevent this, but there are protective steps businesses should have in place, the biggest of which is a zero-tolerance workplace violence policy. Here’s what you need to know about this policy:

Additionally, it’s imperative that all claims of workplace violence be investigated and remedied in an expeditious manner.

The subject alone is frightening, I understand. But taking an “it will never happen here” approach is not the way to go. So if you’re not sure where to start, just ask. At Holmes Murphy, our Health and Human Services team can help your business develop and implement a zero-tolerance workplace violence policy.

A couple of other great resources I recommend taking a look at are:

Again, you don’t have to tackle figuring out ways to protect your employees and business alone. We’re here to help. Do you have questions about zero-tolerance workplace violence policies? Do you have a plan in place, but aren’t sure if it’s 100 percent solid? Would you like someone to review your policy and provide suggestions? Maybe you’ve got a great plan in place and would like to share some advice with others. Please feel free to ask or share below!