Have you ever been asked to take part in something where your immediate response was, “Wow, I’m incredibly humbled to even be considered!” That recently happened to me, and I’m still excited and honored when I think about it.

For this coming year, I was asked to serve on the United Way of Central Iowa’s board of directors…representing Holmes Murphy. Most of us have taken part in United Way fundraisers or events, so we probably all have somewhat of an understanding of the organization’s mission. But just in case, here’s a glimpse at what the United Way of Central Iowa is truly about:

We lead the fight for the health, education, and financial stability of every central Iowan. 

We bring together donors, volunteers, businesses, nonprofits, faith-based, community leaders, government, experts, and those in need. Together we seek out central Iowa’s toughest challenges, set sound strategies and goals, and then tackle them at their roots… in a UNITED WAY.

That’s an incredible mission, and I can’t wait to begin my term. Ever since having kids, my wife, Jess, and I have been more passionate about educating our youth. We’ve continued to be amazed at how fast our kids grow and how they will be employed (sooner than we would like!).  United Way has incredible data on how moving the needle just a little for a child can bring big dividends for that child, the family, and community in the long term. United Way gives us the easy opportunity to volunteer with kids at school, and the positive things you say to a child who is just learning can impact them for many generations.

But to me, this opportunity is so much more than being on an amazing organization’s board. I believe the role of a salesperson at Holmes Murphy is to continue to put yourself in different positions to broaden your circle and thinking. Volunteering, in general, widens your lens and view of the world. I’m speaking for myself when I say this, but I feel pretty insulated from the problems and struggles that happen in not just Des Moines, but all over. This position will put me in a different circle, and I will have the chance to learn a lot about what makes Central Iowa what it is at its core.

This isn’t my first time taking part in a role like this, but certainly every opportunity puts you in a place to learn more about yourself. I’d venture to say most volunteers get more out of volunteering than what they put in! It’s a pretty awesome feeling.

And lastly, I can’t write this blog without saying that I’m lucky to work for a company that allows its employees to volunteer in the capacity we choose in the community! At Holmes Murphy, we have seven aspirations (or hope-filled goals) we live by. Leaving Good Footprints and Sharing Abundantly are two of them that when executed leave all parties feeling good. You can’t not share your time, knowledge, and resources with an intern, community member, or someone in need and not selfishly feel good yourself. Try it and report back and tell us how you feel!