If you’re a driver who operates under the short haul exemption, we have some news for you! As of April 9, you’re no longer required to take a 30-minute break after working eight hours. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has granted an exemption from the required break when the duty hours unexpectedly exceed 12. However, it’s important to note, you’ll still be required to complete an hours of service (HOS) log.

Here’s what you need to know about the rule.

Additionally, motor carriers operating under this exemption must notify the FMCSA of any accident as defined in 49 CFR 390.5T within five business days by email. This notification must include:

I understand that’s a lot of information I’ve just rattled off to you. So, as always, feel free to reach out to me or someone with our Holmes Murphy team if you have any questions. We’d be happy to walk through the exemption and what it means to you!