men discussing surety bonds at a construction site.
Company & Industry News

Experts Speak to Opioid Alternatives for Construction Worker Chronic Pain Management

Safety, health, and wellness strategies are ever important for construction companies. The work tasks, jobsite pressures, and environmental conditions of construction are demanding. Chronic pain is a common affliction among construction workers from musculoskeletal disorders. Chronic pain contributes to other risk factors (comorbidities) affecting the quality of life for construction workers, including sleep deprivation, depression, and substance use disorders. So, how do you address these issues? Holmes Murphy’s Leia Spoor and CSDZ’s Cal Beyer spoke to this in an article in Construction Executive titled “Alternatives to Opioids for the Management of Chronic Pain: Part II.”

If you missed Part 1…don’t worry. You can find it here: “The Causes, Comorbidities and Consequences of Chronic Pain in Construction Workers: Part 1.”

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