home intruder
Property Casualty

Summer Vacation + An Empty House = Paradise for Thieves

Joe DeLuca
Joe DeLuca
Property Casualty

Are you trying to fit in one last vacation before summer ends and the kids are back in school? You’re not alone! This is a prime time for families to pack their bags and head out for fun, sun, and relaxation. But it’s also a great time for criminals to…how do they say it…“Strike while the iron is hot”!

There’s nothing that will ruin the rejuvenation of vacation like coming back to a home that was a hot spot for criminals or a home in disarray. Fortunately, there are some easy measures you can take to help protect your home from break-ins and property damage…in turn, preventing headache and heartbreak upon return.

Consider the following:

  • Ask a trusted neighbor to keep an eye on your home. Often, a simple heads up will alert them of any suspicious activity.
  • Have someone pick up your mail, packages that are left on your doorstep, etc. Nothing tips off a home intruder like an over-flowing mailbox. If you can’t find someone to collect your mail, you may wish to contact the U.S. Postal Service to put a stop on your mail while you’re gone.
  • Have a neighbor mow your lawn. If you’ll be gone for an extended period, you’ll want to ensure you maintain the appearance of being home. An unkept lawn may be just the clue criminals need to know you’re gone.
  • Secure and alarm your property. Deadbolt windows and doors and alarm your home upon departure. Contacting your alarm company to let them know you’ll be away can help provide an additional layer of security.
  • Install a timer on your outdoor lights and illuminate your property at night. Again, this will give the appearance of someone being home.
  • Don’t post photos on social media. I know, I know…that photo of your child taking a plunge into the ocean is cool. Criminals think so, too, as you just identified to them you’re gone!

And believe it or not, while your home may be a gold mine for thieves, there’s actually a far greater likelihood to have a plumbing leak than a burglary. So, shut off all appliances! You can avoid water damage by turning off washing machines and dishwashers before heading out. In the event of a leak, installing an automatic water leak detection and shut-off system can prevent much larger damage from developing, potentially salvaging your flooring, not to mention your valuable possessions in the process.

Whether you’ll be hitting the beach or trekking to a remote location this summer, you and your family deserve a worry-free vacation. Don’t let the risk of property damage stand in the way!

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