A girl saying Stop
Employee Benefits

STOP – You Can’t Do This in 2021!

Holmes Murphy
Holmes Murphy

I’m a big advocate of mental health. That includes raising your hand and saying you’re not OK, making sure people have affordable access to care, and normalizing the conversation around mental health.

In 2021, as progressive as we have become with some things (like technology), we are still in the stone age when it comes to mental health. Why is that? Why do people label you if you talk to a psychologist/psychiatrist? Why do people assume that if you need a depression or anxiety medication that you are weak?

A View of the World Around Us

Well, let’s take a step back and ask these questions:

  • How many of you are on Facebook and feel a need to “keep up with the Joneses” and only post the good stuff?
  • How many of you would feel comfortable telling a friend or family member that you are struggling?
  • How many of you look in the mirror and wonder what’s wrong with you and why you just can’t suck it up and be happy?

It’s normal to feel and do these things. Right? Isn’t that what we tell ourselves and others?

Well, I have news for you, it’s 2021 and it’s time to stop.

It’s time to stop looking down on someone who needs a depression medication to feel OK.

It’s time to stop making fun of the person who is seeing a counselor.

It’s time to stop ignoring any of these types of comments from our friends, family, and colleagues, and start standing up to say “Hey – that’s OK!”

Standing Up for Other’s Mental Wellbeing in 2021

So, in 2021, I’m going to stand up and say, “STOP — you can’t do this in 2021!”

It’s time that our companies, our organizations, and our communities begin to address our mental health and embrace it. We need to build it into our culture and benefits packages just like we do a diabetes program or metabolic syndrome program. We wouldn’t laugh at the person with diabetes who needs meds or physician assistance, so why is mental health any different?

Holmes Murphy, as an organization, has made this a priority, and it shows in our leadership, our programs, and our daily conversations. If you would like more information on how to build a strategy around mental health, we are here to help — without judgement! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us!

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