I’m not used to sitting in the passenger seat of a vehicle. When I’m in a car, I’m usually driving. But a funny thing has happened over the last few years…three of my four boys became old enough to drive. Two key things in that last line…all boys…three can drive. I know, scary.
Trust me, I remember my teenage years. So you can imagine how easy it’s been for me to get auto insurance based on three boys (in addition to my wife and me) on our plan — one with a less-than-stellar record…OK, actually two if you’re counting me. Not easy. Unfortunately, I’ve been rejected by auto carriers. It’s been an unpleasant experience. But insurance is a necessary evil. Whether it’s auto insurance, homeowners insurance, or health insurance, we need it.
We know clients don’t like dealing with insurance and the cost and complexity of it. No one likes this. So trust me when I say, at Holmes Murphy, we’re trying to do everything in our power to make the insurance experience simple, easy-to-understand, and as painless as possible. We’ve all been where our clients are.
Which is why we just rolled out a new strategic plan. It’s a 5-year plan, and it’s focused directly on the “experience.” We call it 202ONE.
There are three parts involved…two of which are the employee experience and the client experience. We want to be the ONE in both of these areas. And by that, I simply mean we want to continue to be the ONE employees and clients want to work for and with, respectively. We truly believe we can’t have one without the other. We take great pride in our employees. They are our biggest assets, and they take care of our No. 1 priority — our clients. And we want both equally having a great experience with Holmes Murphy.
Now that I’ve laid the groundwork of our goal, we need to know what we can do for you to make doing business with us easier. How can we help you? What questions do you have for us? What does your ideal insurance buying experience look like? You know you need it (and have to have it), so how can we best get you to where you need to be? I’m not just asking these questions — I truly want to hear from you. Comment below or reach out to me or any of our Holmes Murphy staff and let us know.
In the meantime, if you see me out on the road and in the passenger seat as one of my boys drives, just smile and wave…I may need the reassurance!