Football has finally returned — the Big Ten announced they will return this month. Even if you’re not a football fan, is this a sign of a return to normal American life?
I don’t bring this up to make this blog about football, but rather to show there’s some semblance of getting back to “normal.” I use quotes around that as I understand the normal we once knew likely will likely not be the normal of the future. It will be a new normal, and that’s OK. It will just take some adjustment.
Who would’ve thought parents would have to make such difficult choices about simply sending their children to school? Do you send your children or keep them home for online learning? Will they learn OK if the online route is chosen?
So many questions and added stress to go with it. For those children who are in school, many districts now require (or at least strongly recommend) masks, which again, is a “new” normal.
Another change is seen on the signs on the doors of restaurants, grocery stores, coffee shops, etc. requiring or strongly recommending that you have a mask on before entering. Do you have a fever or sore throat? Have you been in contact with anyone who has been exposed to COVID-19 recently? All questions we’ve literally never had to think about when going to buy a simple box of cereal or latte.
While this is all different from what we’ve known, the signs are trending positive. We’re re-opening, businesses are getting back to normal in many areas, we can send our children to school if we so choose, and we can cheer on our favorite teams. All of this is healthy for our mental state and gives us hope.
We are all resilient. This pandemic is a testament to that. I see bright things ahead for all of us, and I’m positive that with just one step at a time, we’ll achieve our “new” normal and come out on the other side better for it.