Until recently, the concept of “being healthy” has focused heavily on one area: physical health. Thankfully, recent studies have shown that overall health needs to include feeling a sense of wellbeing in several areas alongside physical health. Gallup scientists have identified five important elements of individual wellbeing and say that feeling positive in every area is key to a thriving life: career, financial, social/emotional, community, and physical.

But corporate wellness programs haven’t caught up with the concept of overall wellbeing…until now.
Introducing Amazing Me
Traditionally, employer-sponsored health programs have focused primarily on offering tools for working on nutritional and physical goals. This narrow approach has effectively put all employees’ wellbeing “eggs” in only one of five important baskets. That’s why ethOs has launched a first-of-its-kind technology: Amazing Me.
With Amazing Me, employers can offer accessible support for every employee’s five areas of wellbeing. As pioneers in the field of building exceptional employee experiences for our clients, we’re excited about Amazing Me because we’ve seen first-hand that when people feel encouraged and supported in all these important areas, their lives are positively transformed in the workplace and beyond.
Amazing Me Focuses on the Individual with Customization
Part of the problem has also been that corporate health programs have been developed and marketed to appease employers, focusing so much on the ease of implementation that the overall objective — increasing each employee’s individual health goals — has been lost. For convenience purposes, programs are too often “one-size-fits-all” which doesn’t consider diverse lifestyles, interests, and challenges.
We know that employees want to be seen, heard, and valued in the workplace. When employees understand their purpose in life and in their jobs, they are more engaged and productive everywhere they go.
That’s why the ethOs team decided to create a new solution that places the focus of promoting overall health back on each individual and in all the areas of life where they may need additional motivation and support. Our goal is for every employee to identify and have the means for addressing their own unique health and wellbeing goals both inside and out of the workplace.
Amazing Me Makes a Difference by Acknowledging Differences
What makes our team, services, and products different is our approach to everyone’s differences. We believe that companies are uniquely special because of the diverse strengths, knowledge, and abilities of each employee. This also means that every employee faces their own challenges and needs for extra guidance — and they deserve to have resources like Amazing Me readily available for working on those areas to live their best life.
Think of your favorite book or movie — every good story has a character that overcomes adversity to achieve something they once thought wasn’t possible. With a little bit of inspiration, support, and practice, we believe all of us have the capacity to enhance our life experiences in the same vein.
Amazing Me is a Journey Supported by Wellbeing Technology
With engaging informational videos and thought-provoking activities, Amazing Me takes each employee through their own online self-discovery journey. They explore all the roles they fill in various areas of their lives, their values, and how they’d benefit from improving in certain aspects. Then, Amazing Me helps them create customized plans for working toward, and achieving, those goals.
Amazing Me does this by focusing on each of the five areas of wellbeing. Individually, employees can think about where they feel strong and healthy and where they may need additional support, motivation, or resources for improvements. When employees identify goals and create their plan, Amazing Me makes it easy to access existing benefits employers already provide along with readily available community or online resources for additional help.
Amazing Me Boosts the Overall Workplace by Improving Wellbeing
Amazing Me is a way for employers to help their teams work toward their own health goals which also improves their self-esteem and sense of value in the workplace. When individuals feel that things are going well, no matter where they are, they are more confident showing up to work ready to invest their energy and focus on the task at hand.
Amazing Me also makes existing company benefits easily accessible. Our clients are often challenged with where to house all the available employee benefits where people can learn about and find them. Amazing Me offers a centralized space where employees can access existing resources that align with and help them work toward their identified goals.
Help Your Employees Be Their Best Selves With Amazing Me
We’re passionate about this new opportunity, and we’d love to show you why. For a free demo of Amazing Me and a discussion about how it can work into your benefit program, contact us today!