Cyber attacks, security breaches, phishing, hacking…you name the buzzword…it seems as though we hear about these more routinely than we’d like. And, boy, can they be damaging to a company or organization.

I read recently that the U.S. Congressional Small Business Committee found 71 percent of cyber attacks happened at businesses with fewer than 100 employees. What I found even more concerning is the fact that the 2016 State of SMB Cyber Security Report by the Ponemon Institute and Keeper Security found that 50 percent of small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) have had a security breach in the past year. Let me repeat that…50 percent in THE LAST YEAR!!

Because I’ve labeled this blog as a “Fraternal” blog…I want to specifically focus on that; however, keep in mind, much of what I’m about to tell you, can really apply at any business, so I’ve generalized in many cases.

When it comes to fraternal organizations, many have specific cyber liability exposures arising out of the use of their websites, electronic communications, Facebook pages, collection of member personal identification information, and, in some cases, the collection and storage of member Social Security numbers and credit card numbers.

Because of these exposures, if you’re a fraternal organization, it’s critical you take steps intended to minimize the probability of a security breach occurring. To help, I’ve outlined some best practices below.

Please keep in mind…this isn’t an all-inclusive list, but provides a great framework to start. We’d love to talk with you more in-depth if you have any questions or need help getting started on (or reviewing) a policy. Just reach out to us!