When you receive a bill each year for your family’s automobile insurance, do you think “Oh my gosh, why did it go up again?!” I won’t be shocked if your answer is, “Yes!”

Although vehicles depreciate in value and the cost to repair or replace vehicles is less expensive as they get older, it’s not always the vehicles that are driving those premiums. It might…just might…be the person behind the wheel. I’ll give you an easy two-word explanation why — distracted driving!

Distracted driving is the No. 1 cause of automobile accidents in the U.S., and yes, those accidents drive your premiums up. And while I’m sure you know what to do to stop from being a distracted driver, I still want to reiterate some helpful tips to avoid accidents while on the roads.

And I don’t want to end this blog without saying that even though the school year is almost half way through, please remember to watch out for school busses and follow the laws to the letter.

Let’s help keep each other and our children safe. And, happy holidays from our families to yours.